well.. so much things have happened lately.. lols.. blogging in school now.. slacking. =X not a very honourable thing. well.. but.... lols.. bored of maya already.
kelly is sulking cos maya jus crashed. hais.. moodless.. gonna stay back in school in the weekends for sp4.. hais... not a good thing at all lors. 3 days... and that's IT. my weekends. grrr.. yes.. im whinning again.
anyways.. valentine day 14th feb. went out in the afternoon with my boy. =) . went to marina sq.. wanted to watch movies, but the queue was freakking long and the movie we wanted were either not shown there or very well sold. hahas. so, sian lors... went to eat secret recipe.. lols. yums.. i ate the grilled chix chop.. with mexican sauce. well.. yummy~! hahas.. aft that.. went to bugis.. walk 1 ROUND. really 1 ROUND ard the bugis street then we came back home. lols..
back at home. sis and her bf were home.. sooo, they suggested mahjong. LOLS~ i am the BIG WINNER~ =D. had kfc delivery for dinner. which sux.. omg.. the service is so BAD~!!!!! when the food is being sent here.. everything soggy already.. can u imagine a soggy crispy kfc chix??? omg... damn gross.. and the colesaw was leaking from the box. all the zinger burger boxes was dented like they dropped on the floor b4 they were sent here... TOTALLY CANT MAKE IT~! sis and i were damnnnnn PISSED with the dinner. waited for 1hr45mins for the food lors... totally... PISSED.
lols.. took some fotos~

aft preparing for the outing. =)

beautiful roses by my boy. but they make me sneeze thru out the whole trip =( .

my boy.

me. =)

at secret recipe.... waiting for food.
mm.. then 15th feb sunday, met up with ed.. hahas. went out to k box~ omg lors.. ed can sing so well.. MEMSERISED~ =x then aft k box... jinhong and darren came over to find us.. lols. waited for them for soooo long.. me and ed were
starving..... sad.. lols.. so.. while waiting.. i made him take foto with me. =x haha FORCED to show his face. hahas.


me and ed. =)

i like this foto so much. hahas. =D
hahas.. okaes.. thats all folk bax.. gotta cont my work...
dental appt tonight and its my youngest sis bdae.. hvn buy present yet. OMG~!