感覺真的好不一樣。好像太習慣過節都有你了。突然之間什麽節日都不過了好奇怪。 希望你是開心的!新年快樂!希望你夢想成真!g雖然很想和你過節但我也知道不可能,只希望這一年大家都開心平安的過。
I miss you so much. Getting busier this year, both you and I are stepping out for a better future. Something you said I'm not sure if I should believe but still. I am here alone with nothing to lose. Time will show a lot, I have my dreams to pursue so do you. Hopefully we'll see each other soon. Either same company or not some things will not change. Feeling upset this Dec as it just feel so different. Dec used to be such a happening month for me. 2011 Dec is just so different. I need time to adapt. Feeling down when everyone is happily celebrating.
It doesn't feels good. Hopes my health gets better. I hate it to feel breathless all the time. Inhaler is just irritating! Feeling upset and breathless at this very moment typing. Can I take a break? So much that I hope we can do tgt. Its a new year and soon its going to remind me of wat happen last year. And I really hate it.
I can't breathe just to think of that. Everything. Disappointment and all. Its just fuck up. Even friends who are close can no longer be trusted. Really I hate 2011. Let 2012 be a better year please.